By: Claire Kovac '27
Art by: Angela Shang '27

head between your knees in the shadows of the white
plains parking garage
freeways stretch ahead and behind
streams of cars and silence and then streams down
your cheeks when it hits
out of the blue like
the car you once crashed
pristine to utterly wrecked in a split second
light, you scream, light
you need more light
more color out of this dull gray
next door the hotel receptionists apply their makeup as they
listen with wide eyes to the girls who spend their
lives in the sky between because
only pilots stay here
you play the game and count the colors
but there are only grays no green
among these yellowed weeds and smog
a sick satisfaction
exists in this stasis
forward or back
the choice is looming but
you choose the in-between
head on your knees
in the shadows of white
drowning when will you
find it within you to get up