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Mental Notes

by: Avery Lin

[4:01 a.m.] Rise victim again to corporeal upbraiding

congealed at the hairline, whisked from equivocal unconsciousness:

incapable of transcending or subjugating these prosaic nuisances

to the inconsequential or the mechanical

…Must shower, tripping in the spurious dark through the

mine of Whole Foods crumbs and ravaged cardboard to the

stoic glass tomb, an irreligious vessel of delirious rumination,

anti-transformative stasis and the tortured crystallization of the same;

Lather the mind with the ingenuous stench of jasmine cloying

with the quixotic promise of oblivion, wafting in the

conviction of this inexorability of noxious habit

(my canned latte, the sham antidote to exhaustion, waits in the fridge),

slip out burnished and subdued, steam-pummeled;

Unspooling erratically on the mattress thoughts scattering

from the mental bank, crystallizing into signs I won’t interpret.

[7:57 a.m.] The sun is ingratiatingly cheery today,

insinuating that

I am late again!

through the exposed window pane

(I have stopped draping it as it ridicules my time), an apathetic

witness to a cynical city and my solitary world

forty stories above-ground painstakingly crafted,

confusing mental drama with life;

I crinkle papers in a pretentious bag,

frenetically arrange scrupulous thoughts with apologetic prefaces

scheme how to speak spontaneously with modulated reticence

…Squirming with earnest, avoiding eye contact,

scoring my palm where no one’s curious gaze falls with the

simmering anxiety of a tryout.

[4:01 p.m.] The academy is assuringly behind again,

its self-importance belittled by the sardonic haze of the Hudson River;

I am barrelling in an anonymous car

towards the lofty home and its thorny cradle

…Submit to the tub with tepid relief,

scrape the underbelly of the porcelain shrine

that ennobles this insincere quitting

I will work twice as long tomorrow

romanticizes the hackneyed fantasies

I will emerge enlightened from a yoga retreat

legitimizes the blindered thinking and self-indulgent wallowing

…Suppress the primordial visions of carefree youth

when did it become like this?

indulge in the shallow solace

embrace the now in the name of the future!

inculcate the permeable mind with the worthy aim of optimizing,

mature the girlish escapism into empowered womanhood:

Starting tomorrow I will kill these trivial neuroses

find inner peace in a meditation book,

deliver the dormant child from pathological diligence:

Find the absurd joy, the perverse beauty in this debilitating system

Be grateful, and but unlock your potential!

[7:57 p.m.] I saw a film for school

about three city urchins bluffing towards a cataclysmic end

with their greasy smirks and malignant banter, their tragically

misguided masculinity but all I could think was

how arrestingly alive they are how magnetically they move,

these condemned kids spared from the farcical tragedy of controlled life:

Who would never self-impose internment

besides a sun-bleached window,

time flattened to the tapping of keys

to a numbing mental buzz in a sterile room

only mind no body

too busy to behold the sunset

is the coffee working?

life transpiring outside unwitnessed 

Who would never wonder

how can I ever

reach a higher level of self-deception?

[12:31 a.m.] Sometimes I wish

that I didn’t have to preface statements try so hard to be

authentic affect all these smiles cling so hopefully

to the optimist’s rock

believe unconditionally in the my future,

in myself

[1:11 a.m.] I’m so close to being the girl woman

I’m always becoming:

I glimpse her sidelong in the others’

alluring self-possession, in their

effortless empathy and endearing confidence,

that attractive disposition of being at home in oneself,

not this blistering tension

[1:12 a.m.] But how many setbacks am I allowed 

before I transcend pass the precipice

at which I’m always arriving

[1:13 a.m.] They’ll murmur in the echo chamber in the ether

that I had all the tools (so self-aware!) but lost the manual;

Write impressive prose about why I didn’t just embrace the cyborg

like all the other smart ones (change the script if I couldn’t accept it)

wonder if there was anything actually wrong

or just another attention-seeking literary schema?

[6:01 p.m.] Mental Notes:

Go to sleep! get up early

Don’t drink coffee! don’t be neurotic

Clean room! edit poem

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