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By Sheen Kim

Note: Full crossword can be found in the 20F Confinement edition of Spare Rib.


1. A system of oppression stemming from the relationship between the military, imperialist governments, and capitalism.

2. The theme of this issue; one of many injustices suffered by women, BIPOC, and LGBT people.

3. A system of oppression based around conquering, brutalizing, exploiting, and settling on native peoples and land. hand-in-hand with 23 down.

4. Systems of collective care based around community cooperation; often confused with charity. a form of 10 across. (ref. Mariame Kaba)

5. A Black transgender man murdered by the Tallahassee (FL) Police Department on May 27, 2020. one among too many lives that have been taken by policing.

6. How an individual expresses or identifies themself as—socially constructed and exists on a spectrum, not a binary.

7. A form of justice that aims to place crime within a social, personal, and capitalist context and help survivors repair harm. often confused with 13 across. (ref. Bilphena Yahwon)

8. Something that elicits violence on women, BIPOC, and LGBT people.

9. Freedom.

10. Working within your community to bring about a better world.

11. To reallocate or remove money from. often used in context with the police.

12. The reader of this issue.

13. A form of justice concerned with addressing the roots of violence through non-state responses and seeks to change violent systems. often confused with 7 across. (ref. Bilphena Yahwon)

14. What one feels for their people.

15. Those who should be centered in healing processes after trauma.

16. A system of oppression that gives inordinate power to men and masculinity.

17. The end of the prison-industrial complex. the goal for many community workers such as 36 down.

18. The state or process of doing something; to take ____. with 44 down.

19. With 45 down & separated by the word “and,” a 2016 national coalition seeking to de-criminalize, support, and free survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abolish gender violence and policing.

20. The interconnected and overlapping nature of race, class, and gender. emphasizes the disparate nature of oppression.


21. A social group: people connected by place, status, identity, etc.

22. To take goods from a place. often used in conservative circles to describe actions of protestors. what has been done to native lands by imperialist governments for centuries.

23. A system of oppression based around taking authority over other peoples and their land for economic and political gain. goes hand-in-hand with 3 across.

24. The process of recovering or reducing pain. a deeply personal, individualized process.

25. To end the prison-industrial complex. the verb form of 17 across.

26. To encourage or stir up (often unlawful behavior).

27. Unity and mutual support.

28. Designated as a terrorist organization by the Trump administration.

29. The hatred of women.

30. “I can’t breathe.” a Black man murdered by the Minneapolis Police Department on May 25, 2020. Sparked worldwide protests against police brutality/policing. one among too many lives that have been taken by policing.

31. A type of racism embedded as normal practice within society. used interchangeably with “institutional racism.”

32. With 48 across, a Black woman murdered by Louisville Metro Police Department officers on March 13, 2020 while peacefully asleep. Yet another among too many lives that have been taken by policing.

33. Emotional distress following a stressful, disturbing experience. can be intergenerational.

34. Author of Are Prisons Obsolete? and Freedom is a Constant Struggle.

35. Author of How to Be an Antiracist. A public scholar of race in the U.S.

36. A contemporary Black organizer advocating for abolition. Co-founder of 19 across/45 down.

37. Using peaceful means, often in reference to protests.

38. A Black social worker and digital organizer. a co-creator of #8toAbolition and found at @sheabutterfemme.

39. To give oneself relief for wellbeing.

40. When methods of thought are restrained to the prison system and punishment.

41. The refusal to accept or comply with something; often signified by a raised fist.

42. To make changes in an institution or practice, often legally. often used to take away focus and power from radical stances.

43. 1312.

44. With 18 across. when oppressed people work to directly reach their goals rather than relying on co-opted or electoral means.

45. With 19 across & separated by the word “and,” a 2016 national coalition seeking to free survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abolish gender violence and policing.

46. The present participle/gerund form of 22 down.

47. What abolition seeks to end. the supposed maintenance of law and order.

48. With 32 across, a Black woman murdered by Louisville Metro Police Department officers on March 13, 2020 while peacefully asleep. yet anotheramong too many lives that have been taken by policing.


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